Living the good life, the healthy way

Today's food

Publicerad 2012-10-25 20:29:22 i Living life,

Work day today, been busy and had longer and shorter chats with the kids about their choices for college. I don't envy them, they have so many options to choose from, and when you're 15 it's not easy to know what you want to do for at least the next 10 years!
Anyway, today I have eaten:
Breakfast: Oatmeal porridge with ½ banana, blueberries and walnuts.
Midmorning snack: 1 satsuma
Lunch: Yesterday's leftovers
Afternoon snack: 1 apple and 6 hazelnuts
Dinner: Lentil soup with 1 cracker with cheese, cucumber and pepper.
Also lots of cups of tea, and a couple of coffees ;-)


Posted by: Marja - Baka Sockerfritt

Published 2012-10-25 21:22:47

Mums, det ser verkligen gott ut! Satsumas är så goda under denna årstid!

Svar: Javisst är de det! Äter minst 2-3 om dagen! Haha :-)
Madeleine Brown

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