Published 2013-04-09 19:37:19 i Dinners, GI recipes, Vegetarian,
Yesterday I made chickpea patties with a gratain of cauliflower and broccoli. It was so good I need to share the recipe with you!
Chickpea patties:
- 2 tins of chickpeas, rinsed.
- ½ red bell pepper
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 1 egg
- ½ dl of oats
- Lots of nice curry and nice seasoning, salt and pepper.
Mix together in a food processor until smooth. Form into little patties and fry in some rapeseed oil.
Cauliflower and broccoli gratain:
- ½ cauliflower, cut into little florets
- 1 broccoli, cut into florets
- 250 grams of half-fat creme fraiche
- 1 dl of milk
- french herbs
- 1 tbsp mustard
- salt and pepper
- some grated cheese.
Put the cauliflower and broccoli in an oven safe tray. Mix toghether creme fraiche and milk with seasoning, pour over the cauliflower/broccoli, put some cheese on top and bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes at 200 degrees C.
Serve with some fresh salad and vegetables :) Enjoy!
Published 2013-04-01 11:31:21 i Breakfasts, GI recipes, Vegetarian,
Last day off this long weekend. It's been lovely. Started this morning with a long and well earned sleep in, and then I went up and did small pancakes for breakfast.
As you already know I loke playing around with different versions of pancakes and trying to make them healthier and more nutritious, so that it's possible to indulge guilt free. Sometimes I manage and sometimes not. This time I'll say that I did ;-)
For two people I used:
- 1½ dl organic dinkelflour
- 2,5 dl organic semi-skimmed milk
- 2 organic eggs
- 1 tsp roganic sugar
- 2 tbsp coconut flour
- 1 tbsp ground flaxseed
Just mix it all together and fry with some vegetable oil. I served with fresh fruit and frozen berries, and some quark.
Notice how much organic stuff I had in my pantry? I like the fact that I'm buying food with more thought for the environment and also my own health. Buying organic means less pesticides, additives and more nutritional value and flavour. Benefits all the way.
Published 2013-03-16 14:03:00 i Breakfasts, GI recipes, Living life, Lunches, Vegetarian,
Vegetarian, almost vegan, low GI pancakes for lunch. Sounds good? Well, it wasn't bad. Next time, I'll do the same but not without eggs! Anyway, these pancakes are full of healthy stuff and contains no fat, only the butter you fry them in!
So why do I say almost vegan? Because I fried them in butter. I could've chosen vegetable oil instead, but I think pancakes in butter are just too tasty! Instead of whipped cream I made a cashew cream full of good nutrients. Bananas and blueberries are a must!
Vegan pancakes for two:
- 1,5 dl of whole wheat flour (I used dinkel)
- 1 dl of coconut flour (can be exchanged for normal flour)
- 2 dl of oats milk
- 0,5 dl of water, add more if needed.
- 0,5 tbsp of baking powder
- 0,5 tbsp of sugar
I also added about 2 tbsp of ground flaxseed to make up for the egg, didn't really work though. Next time I'll make the pancakes with an egg for a more fluffy texture. They turned out nicely flavourwise, but they were quite dense and doughy.
Cashew cream:
- 1 dl of cashews
- 0,5 dl of water
- ½ frozen banana
- 0,5 teaspoon of raw vanilla powder
Soak the cashews in water for about 15-30 minutes. Add the frozen banana and raw vanilla powder and mix it well with the rod mixer, or in the food processor. Voila! A creamy and tasty option to whipped cream.
Veganska pannkakor stod på lunchmenyn idag. Nästa gång satsar jag dock på att ha i ett ägg i alla fall, för utan ägget blev pannkakorna ganska stabbiga. Jag tipsar dock varmt att utbyta grädde mot cashewkräm, som du enkelt gör genom att mixa blötlagda cashewnötter med frusen banan och lite vaniljpulver. Bananen kan såklart bytar ut mot vilken frukt/bär som helst. Använd fantasin! Mycket mer näring än grädde, och med nyttiga fetter istället för de skadliga fetterna i grädden.
Published 2013-02-01 18:43:51 i Dinners, Vegetarian,
I absolutely adore raw vegetables. I couldn't live on completely raw diet, because it is so lovely to eat a nice hot soup or stew. I like too many different foods to be able to give it up. But I have to admit that eating a raw, vegan salad makes me feel good about myself.
I loaded this plate with rocket, baby spinach, ½ mango, ½ avocado, ½ tomato, 1 carrot, alfalfa sprouts, red onion and a handful of almonds. The almonds and avocado gives me the protein and healthy fats I need, and the vegetables and fruit gives me all those incredibly 'good for you' vitamins and minerals.
I'm about to head off out to visit mum for a bit, since Chris is over at a friend's having a 'guys' night' ;-)
Published 2013-01-04 10:38:42 i Breakfasts, Vegetarian,
Sounds scary, eh? But basically living food is a term used in the Raw Food community to define food that is plant-based and has not been heated over 42 degrees celsius. Everything that has been heated over that temperature loses it's living enzymes and is therefore "dead". Today I tried a living food, vegan "yoghurt" based on avocado and banana.
I was really wondering if I was gonna be brave enough to try something new for breakfast, haha. You how hard it can be to break habits. But I did, and it tasted wonderful, you can't taste the avocado at all.
Living food, vegan "yoghurt" 1 portion:
1 banana
- 1 avocado
- handful of blueberries
Mix it all together in the food processor until smooth. The colour of it doesn't look great, you can remove the blueberries and it would have a more apetizing colour I think, but it really tasted nice. Topping it with some fresh orange and frozen berries just made it even better!
Published 2013-01-02 13:50:46 i GI recipes, Lunches, Vegetarian,
Been on the sofa the entire day so far, and really feel crap. I also feel very unproductive again, and want to make sure I get things done, but have no energy to do so. Bah. I really do hope this cold goes away quickly!
Had bean soup and crackers with avocado and mackerell for lunch, really yummy and warming. Added lots of garlic to the soup to hopefully ward of the germs ;-)
Bean soup for 3-4:
- 1 can of mixed beans
- 1 can of kidneybeans
- 3 whole tomatoes
- 3 cloves of garlic
- 1 tbsp of dried basil
- 2 tsbp tomato puree
- 1/3 of a yellow pepper
- 1 tbsp of olive oil
- 1 vegetable stock cube
- ½ liter of water
- dash of balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper
Heat the oil in a saucepan and lightly fry the tomatoes (chopped into pieces), garlic, pepper, basil and puree. Add the water, stock cube, and other seasoning and let boil for 10 minutes. Add beans (rinsed) and let boil for another 10 minutes. Taste and season a little more if needed. Mix with a rod mixer until smooth and serve. A bit of half-fat creme fraiche goes very well on top, and also a little parmesan cheese if you wish :-)
Published 2012-12-30 19:09:00 i Breakfasts, Living life, Vegetarian,
Last night when I went to bed I was sort planning the next day ahead (aka today), when I suddenly realized I had been booked in for work 10-16, haha. Good thing I remembered, eh?
So got up this morning and started of the day with a good breakfast.
1 orange, and a bowl of plain organic yoghurt with oats, flaxseed, almonds, hazelnuts and blueberries.
After work I went to the gym and had a 35 minute workout, going through arms, shoulders, legs and stomach. So not a very heavy workout. And I must say I love my new workout gear! Yay!
När jag gick och lade mig igår hade jag nästan glömt att jag skulle jobba idag. Tur att jag kom på det, så jag kunde sätta klockan! Åt denna smarriga frukost, jobbade, gymmade och handlade sedan lite mat. Jag älskar mina nya gymkläder! Yay!
Published 2012-12-27 16:30:03 i Dinners, Living life, Vegetarian,
Stir fried vegetables with whole wheat pasta./ Wokade grönsaker med fullkornspasta.
Just enjoyed this fresh meal after a day of shopping with the girls. Eating mostly vegetarian/vegan today, to give my stomach a break from all the meat left-overs from Christmas. Feeling a bit better today, but my stomach is still grumbling a lot. Feeling really tired and exhausted, so I will not do any workout today, even though I had it planned. I will sit on the sofa, and recharge, and hopefully I will feel better tomorrow!
We are also going to my dad's tomorrow, so need to make sure I'm all well for that too :-)
Published 2012-12-04 15:02:12 i GI recipes, Lunches, Vegetarian,
Made a potato and cauliflower soup for lunch today!
- 3 big potatoes
- 1 onion
- ½ cauliflower
- ½ dl of red lentils
- 1 liter water
- 1 vegetable stock cube
- yellow curry powder, ground ginger, ground cumin
Chop all vegetables and out them in a big pan with some rape seed oil. Stir the vegetables with the seasoning and then add water and stock. Let boil for about 20 minutes, and add salt and pepper after taste. Mix until smooth if you wish. Serve with some bread or crackers and cheese. This made about 4 big portions.
Not really GI perfect with the potatoes, but it's a low in calories meal with lots of vegetable goodness in it and also filling.
Gjorde potatis och blomkålssoppa med ingefära, spiskummin och curry till lunch idag. Inte exakt GI perfekt, men potatis är inte så farligt om man inte äter för mycket av det. Lågkalori soppa som innehåller massa nyttigheter och som håller dig mätt länge.
Published 2012-12-03 08:30:09 i Breakfasts, Lunches, Vegetarian,
Something that really tastes of Christmas/winter is rice pudding. Had it for lunch yesterday with satsuma, blueberries, raspberries and cinnamon. Nomnom.
Risgrynsgröt smakar verkligen jul/vinter. Åt det till lunch igår med clementin, blåbär, hallon och kanel. Mums!
Published 2012-11-26 20:36:27 i Dinners, GI recipes, Lunches, Vegetarian,
Cooked the most delicious soup for dinner tonight! Had some root vegetables lying around in the fridge, and I thought it would be a good idea to use them up before groceryshopping tomorrow! :-)
Roast vegetable soup for about three:
- ½ sweet potato
- ½ small butternut squash
- 1 parsnip
- 1 carrot
- ½ white onion
- 3 cloves of garlic
Shop all vegetables and put them in an ovensafe tray. Pour 1 tbsp olive oil over it and toss around with salt, pepper, rosemary and parsley. Roast in oven at 225 degrees C for about 40 minutes. Take out of oven, boil about 6-7 dl water with one vegetable cube stock. Take pan off the heat, add vegetables and mix into a smooth soup with a rod mixer. Serve with bread/crackers and cheese. I really, really recommend this!
Världens godaste grönsakssoppa. Rosta rosmarin- och persiljekryddad sötpotatis, butternut pumpa, palsternacka, morot, lök och vitlök i ugnen (225 grader) i ca 40 minuter. Koka upp 6-7 dl grönsaksbuljong. Lägg ner grönsakerna i buljongen och mixa med en stavmixer tills soppan blir slät. Smaka av med salt och peppar.
Published 2012-11-24 10:11:49 i Breakfasts, Vegetarian,
Best breakfast in a while. Gingerbread yoghurt with pineapple, banana, strawberries, blueberries, almonds and sunflower seeds. Perfect start of the day! Now I'm going to study for a couple hours before heading out to town and then further on to celebrate a friend's birthday!
Gingerbread yoghurt: Mix plain yoghurt with cinnamon, cardamom, ground ginger and ground cloves. No sugar added and still tastes amazing! Christmas feelings :-)
Pepparkaksyoghurt med frukt och nötter - bästa! Blanda naturell yoghurt med kanel, kardemumma, malen ingefära och malen nejlika. Inget socker men ändå fantastiskt! Nu blir det plugg ett par timmar innan vi sticker ut!
Published 2012-11-13 09:18:07 i Breakfasts, Vegetarian,
Good morning everyone! New day, new adventures! Had a small lay in today and then went up and made this lovely breakfast to start the day with! About to go for a little walk soon, and after that go food shopping! Hope you all slept well!
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Published 2012-11-12 09:19:05 i Breakfasts, Vegetarian,
Good morning sunshines! Hope you all had a good night's sleep and slept for approximately 6-8 hours. Sleeping is very important to the wellbeing of both your body and your mind, so don't deprive yourself of it if you can help it, please <3
Had a very colourful and vitamin rich breakfast this morning, preparing for a day of studies and later some workout. My study partnes arrives later this morning, so I'm tempted to go out for a little walk, to get some fresh air.
Wishing you all a good start of the week!
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Published 2012-11-11 14:53:00 i Dinners, GI recipes, Lunches, Vegetarian,
For lunch I made this chunk, vegetarian curry and served it with green leaves and crackers and cheese.
For approximately 2-4 people (depending on if you choose to serve it by itself or with a side):
- ½ butternut squash
- 1 big carrot
- 1 tin of chickpeas
- 1 white onion
- 1 apple
- yellow curry, cumin, salt, pepper, vegetable stock
- 1 chilipepper (optional)
- 7 dl water
Chop all the vegetables into dices and put in a pan with some olive/rapeseed/sunfloweroil. Add the seasoning and water and let it simmer under a lid for approximately 20 minutes. Taste to see if something needs to be added, and serve with whatever you like. It goes well in a wrap, with rice (preferably brown rice) or just on it's own as we had it today. Added some crackers and cheese for two reasons: to bring in a little protein (in the cheese) and to have something to break the heat! I added a chilipepper to the curry and it was HOT! ;-) Good new kick for the metabolism, I tell ya!
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butternut squash,