Published 2013-01-13 20:28:58 i Dinners, GI recipes, Lunches, Meat,
This is what we had for lunch today, yummy pork chops with a creamy mushroom sauce (that's non dairy!) and boiled vegetables. I simply fried the pork chops in some oil with salt and pepper, and I boiled the vegetables. Here's how I made the sauce:
- 1 onion
- 5 button mushrooms
- 1 clove of garlic
- 1,5 dl of low fat cream (I used oat based cream)
- curry, salt, pepper, rosemary
Chop the onion, mushrooms and garlic finely and fry in a saucepan with some oil, until soft. Add the cream and season unitl you find the flavour satisfying. I also added a little thickener to dense it up a little.
By using a non dairy product I actually cut down the amount of saturated fats from 15 grams to 1,5 grams! That's pretty good :-)
Gjorde fälskkotletter med krämig svampsås och kokta grönsaker till lunch idag. Såsen gjorde jag på lök, champinjoner, vitlök, Oaty iMat grädde, och kryddor. Det var gott! Första gången jag provade alternativ till vanliga mejeriprodukter och jag tyckte faktiskt det var bra :-)
Published 2013-01-03 13:41:05 i Lunches, Meat,
Todays lunch consisted of: Taco flavoured minced meat with bulgur and beans, and raw vegetables (broccoli, white cabbage, yellow pepper and carrot).
For the taco mix, just fry the minced meat until cooked through, add 1 chopped onion, and 1 clove of garlic. Season it with cumin, paprika, chilipepper, black pepper and salt. I also added in a little tomato puree. Had some kidney beans left over from yesterday's soup, so that went in too. Yum!
Tacomix till lunch idag, med färska grönsaker. Stek köttfärs tills genomstekt, lägg i hackad lök, 1 vitlöksklyfta och stek tills löken börjar bli mjuk. Krydda med spiskummin, paprika, chilipulver, peppar och salt. Jag lade även i lite tomatpuré och kidneybönor. Blev mumsigt!
Published 2012-12-09 14:23:34 i GI recipes, Lunches, Meat,
Made a simple, yet tasty and healhty soup for lunch today!
Farmer's soup (3 big portions or 4 small):
- 200 grams ham
- 1 onion
- 100 grams celeriac
- 2 tomatoes
- 1 clove garlic
- handful of haricort verts
- 1 dl large white beans
- 1 handful whole grain pasta
- 1 tbsp tomato purée
- 1 vegetable stock cube
- 7 dl water
- thyme, paprika and pepper
Chop and fry onion, garlic and celeriac in some oil together with the diced ham and seasoning. Add water, stock, tomatopuree, chopped tomatoes and pasta and let it boil for about 10 minutes. Add beans and spinach and add pepper and salt after taste. I also added a little dash of lemon juice. Vegetarian alternative: exchange the ham with quorn or tofu.
A perfect warming soup on a cold winter's day like today :-)
Bondsoppa för 3-4 personer: Hacka och fräs lök, rotselleri och vitlök med kassler och kryddor i lite olja. Häll på vatten, lägg i buljongen, tomatpurén, hackad tomat och pasta och låt koka i cirka 10 minuter. Lägg i bönorna och spenaten och smaka av med salt och peppar. Jag hade också i lite citronjuice. Gott och värmande en dag som denna!
Published 2012-12-05 20:05:50 i Dinners, GI recipes, Living life, Meat,
The last two nights I've slept like a princess, honestly! Waking up feeling completely rested is something truly wonderful, haha! The snow is still on the ground, and yesterday I dragged Chris out for a walk with me and the camera. We enjoyed watching the sun go down and the snow glitter, but got quite frozen!
Today I've been to Varberg to finish the "last" bits on the dissertation, when I came home I made banana muffins, and I think they are quite healthy too! ;-) For dinner I made lasagna. Honestly, the best. lasagna. I've. ever. made. I kept wanting more like an hour after dinner, haha. The secret? Celeriac and mushrooms. Chop some celeriac and add to the tomatosauce, it gives it a really nice, rich flavour. And mushrooms that soak up all the lovely garlic flavour - omnomnom. For bechamelsauce I used low-fat creme fraiche with garlic and parmesan, milk and a few slices of low-fat cheese. Yumyum!
Har varit såå utvilad de senaste nätterna, helt underbart! Var ute på promenad i snön igår, och i Varberg idag. Sedan har jag bakat nyttiga bananmuffins och lagat min bästa lasagne någonsin. Hemligheten? Rotselleri och champinjoner i tomatsåsen. Helt underbart. Som ostsås använde jag creme fraiche med vitlök och parmesan, lite mjölk och 17% hushållsost. Namnam!
Published 2012-11-29 21:05:00 i Dinners, Meat, Workout,
Had a really good workout at the gym today! Put more weights on my legs, and I definately felt stronger lifting in both chest press and shoulders. Yay! :-D
At the moment I'm lifting:
Legs (Squats): 17 kgs
Chest: 9 kgs
Back/Shoulders: 9 kgs (I would take more on the back unless it was a combined back and shoulder exercise...)
Triceps: 6,5 kgs
Biceps: 6,5 kgs
Legs (Lunges): 11,5 kgs
Shoulders: Press ups, then 2 kgs in each hand.
Stomach: Sit ups
Came home and was starving. Made a frittata with tomatoes, onion, ham and potatoes, which we poured egg over and baked in oven until the eggs were cooked. Served with a side salad.Yummyyummy!
Published 2012-11-21 21:11:00 i Dinners, GI recipes, Living life, Meat,
Busy days at the moment. I don't even have time for exercising *cry*. Was away all day for some information on the new application system for all kids moving from compulsory school to college. Came home, cooked this dinner and then did some work on the dissertation for a couple of hours. Now I'm browsing and dreaming about peanutbutter. Duh.
Anyway, made a nice filling dinner tonight. Bolognese sauce with macaroni, zucchini and lettuce.
For the sauce I used:
- minced meat
- chopped tomatoes
- tomato puree
- white onion
- carrot
- garlic
- balsamic vinegar
- sweetcorn
- stock
- salt, pepper, basil, oregano
Fry the meat, onion and carrots in some olive oil. Add tomatoes, tomato puree, seasoning and a dash of vinegar. Also add some water. Put the lid on and let it take care of itself for about 20-30 minutes, add water when/if needed. Meanwhile you can prepare the pasta. I also used zucchini as a replacement for most of the pasta. Just take a cheese slicer and slice the zucchini into think slices. Then take the knife and cut the slices into "spaghetti". A different and fun way to use vegetables in food :-) Serve with lettuce.
Mycket att göra nu. Massor av jobb, plugg och äter för mycket för tillfället, duh. Gjorde iaf en god middag på köttfärssås med zucchinipasta och makaroner. Skiva zucchinin med en osthyvel och skär sedan skivorna längs med så att de blir som spaghetti. Lite kul och annorlunda sätt att äta grönsaken på :-)
Published 2012-11-19 20:25:28 i Dinners, Living life, Lunches, Meat,
Whole grain fusillini with woked vegetables and ham. Lovely and filling dinner.
Had a nice efficient day studying, so tomorrow I'm treating myself to go with mum to go shopping tomorrow. Hopefully I'll find a few Christmas presents and Christmad decorations!
Åt en god middag på fullkornspasta med wokade grönsaker och kassler. Mumsigt! Var flitig med plugget idag så åker till Ullared imorgon och shoppar! :-)
Published 2012-11-11 20:29:37 i Dinners, GI recipes, Meat,
One of my favourite dishes to make with minced meat is meatballs (biffar in swedish). There are so many various ways to make them, but my speciality is the apple version. And let me tell you: my boyrfirend LOVES them (and so do I ;-))
I actually don't know exactly how much minced meat I used this time, but it made 6 meatballs. Two are big enough for one portion, but we love them so much so we split a third one too ;)
Meatballs for three:
- approximately 400 grams minced meat (I used 50/50 pork and beef)
- 1 white onion
- 1 apple
- 1 egg
- 1 tspn cooking cream
- salt and pepper
Chop the onion finely and grate the apple. Mix all ingerdients with the minced meat. Shape into balls twice the size of a golf ball and fry until cooked all the way through, approximately 6-7 minutes on each side at medium heat.
I served it with roasted sweet potato, boiled broccoli and green beans, mixed lettuce and some creme fraiche and lingonberry sauce. Cranberry sauce would work just as nicely.
Published 2012-10-28 15:12:35 i Dinners, Lunches, Meat,
I made chili con carne for lunch. Minced meat, onion, garlic, chopped tomatoes, cumin, paprika, kidney beans, white beans, chili flakes after taste. Really simple, cook everything but beans for about 20 minutes, then add beans and cook for another 5. Add water if it gets too dry. Serve with 1 dl cooked rice, chopped carrot and a small bit of bread with cheese. I used whole grain bread and reduced fat cheese. Omnomnom.