Living the good life, the healthy way

Chicken and bean stew.

Publicerad 2013-02-04 21:53:18 i Chicken, Dinners, GI recipes, Living life,

I want a fashion blog, I want a cooking/exercise blog, I want a photography blog. Hmmm, all in one? Or three differetn ones. There is too much inspiration out there :-)
Anyway, cooked this lovely dinner tonight. I realised I had already posted this recipe before, right here <-- click!
This time I used a variety of beans rather than just large white ones, but otherwise it's exactly the same. I'm longing for brighter and longer days, to make my photography more interesting again. Dark rooms do not make food look the most appealing on photos (geez, many "o"s in that sentence!).
Jag vill ha typ alla slags bloggar, får så mycket inspiration när jag surfar runt, men man kan väl bara ha en slags blogg, eller? Lagade denna fantastiska kycklingrätt ikväll och längtar efter längre och ljusare dagar. Mörka rum får god mat att se väldigt tråkig ut på foto!


Posted by: Shirley

Published 2013-02-05 10:15:29

I went to the bank yesterday and got our holiday money.
I have started to sort our holiday clothes and like you we are getting excited. This time next week we will be on the boat!

Svar: Yes it's very exciting! :)
Madeleine Brown

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