Tuna and prawn "bolognese"
Had a good session at the gym. Began with running for 20 minutes. I'm not the fastest runner but I managed 3 km. I could have kept on going, and was in a good form, but it was so HOT in the gym today. Lots of people there and I was struggling a little, hehe. Then continued with arms and shoulders, finishing off with tummy muscles and last some stretching. Was there an hour in total. Good!
Came home and cooked a lovely dinner consisting of tuna and prawn "bolognese", with fresh lemon fettucini. It was really tasty, even though white pasta isn't the healhtiest option.
Recipe for three:
- ½ onion
- ½ fennel
- 1 whole red bell pepper
- 1 clove of garlic
- 1 can of crushed tomatoes (400gr)
- 1 can of tuna in water
- about 2 dl of prawns
- 1 vegetbale or fish stock cube (of good quality), terragon, black pepper, maybe salt, depending on your stock.
Fry the chopped onion and garlic with a little bit of rapeseed oil/olive oil. Add tomatoes, chopped fennel, chopped pepper, seasonings and let it simmer while the water for your pasta is warming up to boil. Add tuna. When the water for your pasts is boiling, add the pasta to it. Add prawns to the sauce. Serve. (Fresh pasta boild for only 2-3 mins, so if you use ordinary pasts time it all well, don't add prawns until 2 minutes before serving).
Stek lök, vitlök i lite olja. Häll på en burk krossade tomater och lägg i hackad paprika och fänkål. Krydda med buljong, dragon och peppar och låt sjuda medans pastavattnet kokar upp. Lägg i tonfisken. När vattnet kokar lägg ner pastan däri och lägg i räkorna i pastsåsen. Anpassa såklart tiden efter vilken pasta du har, men lägg i räkorna tidigast 2 minuter innan servering, de blir sega om de får koka för länge.