Living the good life, the healthy way


Publicerad 2013-03-03 11:39:39 i Living life,

Enjoying a slow Sunday on my own. Chris is away fishing in Helsingborg, hoping to catch some cod to put in the freezer. I made myself a nice breakfast, two crackers, some fresh mango and a lovely smoothie with frozen fruit and berries, banana and oat milk. Did the housework and then sat down with a second coffee and some magazines. About to plan for the week's menu and then go for a long walk in the sunshine/go shopping. Ahh...days off. I think I'm going to appreciate my weekends a lot more now I have a full time job. 
Har en lugn och skön söndag. Äter god frukost, städar, läser tidningar, ska handla och gå på promenad. Redan efter första veckan på heltidsjobbet njuter jag för fullt av mina två lediga dagar i slutet av veckan. Underbart!


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