Living the good life, the healthy way

Friday evening snack

Publicerad 2012-10-05 21:42:53 i GI recipes, Nutrition, Snacks,

A sweet, easy treat doesn't need to be full of sugars, fats or calories. An easy way to keep my sweet tooth satisfied is by making myself (and the boyfriend) a nice cup of hot cocoa, and eating a banana.
I make the cocoa by putting 2 small teaspoons of cocoa powder, 1 teaspoon of agave nectar and 1 teaspoon of milk into a cup. Stir it until it's like a paste, then add more milk (semi skimmed) while stirring it. Warm in the microwave for approximately 5 minutes. Yum! Much more chocolate flavour than the hot chocolate mixes from for example Nestlé, and the agave nectar is a much better sweetener than refined sugar. With a glycemic index of 30 (carbs and sweeteners below 60 are considered good), and sweeter taste than sugar -  you don't need as much!
Cocoa is also proven to be health beneficial - it is thought to improve heart health, relieves depression, contains vital minerals, is low in glycemic index and contains lots of anti-oxidants that protects your cells. However, eating cocoa in the form of milk chocolate or in sugary drinks, the health benefits are unfortunately drowned by the unhealthy consequenses of the sugars and fat.


Posted by: Marja - Baka Sockerfritt

Published 2012-10-06 12:30:19

Mums, jag äslkar att dricka varmchoklad! Jag har en chokladhavredryck som jag älskar :)

Posted by: Dalila

Published 2012-10-06 15:40:44

Sv: jo allt ärbra :)
hur mår du då?:)

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