Living the good life, the healthy way


Publicerad 2015-05-19 14:29:50 i Living life,

Maten. Min aptit har blivit så konstig under graviditeten. Jag är liksom hungrig och vill äta, men känner mig mätt så snabbt. Oftast. Inte så konstigt då en bebis ligger och trycker på alla delar i magen så jag förstår ju att magsäcken inte har lika mycket plats, att tarmarna inte kan fungera lika effektivit som vanligt och att för mycket (för stora mängder i en sittning) kan bli riktigt obekvämt. Värst är vätska. Jag kan verkligen bli riktigt törstig, men dryck fyller ju magen som ni vet.
Sen om jag äter lite för lite under en dag tex fram till eftermiddagen, då blir jag så vansinnigt hungrig att jag inte vet var jag ska bli av, blir yr och illamående. Igår var en sån dag. Då åt jag:
Frukost: Gröt med banan, jordnötssmör, pumpafrön, aprikoser, kiwi och mjölk.
Mellanmål: Kvarg med kiwi och pumpakärnor
Lunch: Grönt mos med en korv och tomat.
Mellanmål: Äpple och en skiva bröd med leverpastej.
Mellanmål: (det var här hungern attackerade) En skål havrefras, mjölk, jordnötssmör, mandel. En dadel och en aprikos. 5 st salta S. 
Middag: (Inte så hungrig längre och detta gick knappt ner) Två skivor bröd, en med ost och en med leverpastej, gurka, tomat. 

food for growing another person

Publicerad 2015-04-15 16:28:24 i Living life,

Det är ju allmänt känt nuförtiden att man inte bör äta "tomma kalorier", varken som gravid eller icke gravid. Det är ju rätt dumt egentligen, men ibland vill man ju unna sig att äta något som endast gynnar smaklökarna och själen och det får man ju såklart. Det handlar ju om balans.
Men jag tänkte att jag ska försöka skriva ner lite hur jag äter nu som gravid och hur jag försöker tänka kring min kost i allmänhet. Kul att kunna se tillbaka på och det är lite annorlunda nu när man verkligen tänker mer på sammansättningen av maten, inte bara att äta varierat.
Idag ser maten ut såhär:
Frukost: Kvarg/yoghurt med en halv banan, pumpafrön, mandel, solrosfrön, torkade aprikoser och en dl frusna bär. Ett glas vatten med citron och en multivitamintablett. Ca 450 kcal. Fokus på kalcium, potassium, c-vitamin, järn och vitamin B2 samt vitamin E.
Mellanmål: en fralla med ost och ett äpple. ca 350 kcal. Inte så mycket baktanke här, men osten ger ju kalcium och äpplet antioxidanter och brödet vitamin B1.
Lunch: Rester från igår - Köttfärs i en currygryta (thai) med sugarsnaps, broccoli, salladslök och nudlar. Här får jag i mig bra och nyttiga fetter från kokosmjölken och köttet, järn, vitamin K, vitamin B2 och B12.
Mellanmål: en GI muffin (utan socker) och 150 kvarg. ca 230 kcal. Protein och goda kolhydrater inför träningen.
Middag: Korv med hög kötthalt, tomat, broccoli, paprika, lök och sallad. Turkisk yoghurt sås. Ca 350-400 kcal. B12, järn, vitamin K, kalcium, betakaroten, antioxidanter och lite vitamin E. 
Summa: Cirka 1800 kcal. Inte så mycket vitamin D, får ta igen det imorgon helt enkelt! Fick in en del olika B-vitaminer och en bra balans mellan kolhydrater, fett och protein. 

Sometimes you fins just those amazing people that can put it into words

Publicerad 2014-10-08 13:49:30 i Living life, Mind and body,

This is what I read on today. 
"When you treat you body right, with love, honour and respect - life begins to feel a little easier. Accepting yourself as you are, realizing that you are perfectly built to be YOU, is very important.
We all deserve to love ourselves. Noone should be made to feel guilty for the shape/size, whether it's big, small or triangle.
We are society, we have the power to influence minds and share self love. We are the people of society - choosing to love and accept yourself, and breaking free from feeling like you must conform to a society's expectation is the beginning of a journey. 
Self love isn't a contest and self love doesn't require you to change. Self love is being happy and content in your own skin, accepting your body and mind and showing yourself the love you deserve, treating yourself with respect."

yoga girl knows the thruth

Publicerad 2014-10-01 09:40:31 i Inspiration, Living life, Mindfullness,

"The thing is, we all just want to be loved. All of us. Deep down, every decision we make is based on our wanting to feel accepted and cared for. We all want to be loved and we can use that longing to create both heaven and hell. Trusting in life, seeing the goodness in the people around us and learning how to stay present in our day-to-day actions will draw us towards love. We'll feel like we are flowing with life, things run smoothly and there will be a deep sense of calm beneath the ups and downs of our life situation. Moving towards love will always lead to more love. It's when we let the fear of not having enough take over that our decision making takes a wrong turn. Suddenly we start directing our attention away from our true purpose and instead move towards ego, judgement and material things. Instead of trusting in the bigger picture we let fear take the reigns and everything will change. Suddenly, we get easily agitated. Stressed. Angry. We start looking at other people and feel threatened, jealous and insecure. You'll know that you're on the right track when you can look at someone succeeding in the same field as you and feel genuinely, truly happy for them. Can you? Take a step back and look at your current state of mind. What does your life look like right now? Are you moving in a direction of love? Or are you letting fear run your life? Do you feel safe or insecure? Trust or doubt? Here is the key: Always choose love. Every time. That doesn't mean that you'll be avoiding difficulty for the rest of your life - it simply means that you make the decision to let your heart guide you instead of your mind. Let feelings of insecurity be a sign to take a deep breath and become aware if what's stirring within you. Listen to the nudges of irritation that we are all overcome with from time to time. They are here to teach you great things! Every difficult moment is an opportunity for you to choose love over fear. Be grateful for the lows as much as you cherish the highs. Move with love and love will move with you. Give love. Give all you got. You can never run out."


Publicerad 2014-09-25 21:40:36 i Living life, Workout,

I went to crossfit at another gym today. A real crossfit box to be precise. For those of you who don't know, crossfit is a unique concept developed by a man called Greg Glassman. Crossfit is meant to be a generally life strengthening workout and combines elements of olympic lifting, weightlifting, gymnastics and sprints. The focus isn't to "sculpt" your body, but to increase your body's performance, strength and endurance. And because it is a concept in itself, the creator doesn't want just anybody to be able to run crossfit classes. You have to take special instructing classes and the gym wanting to hold crossfit classes need to be part of the affiliation. 
Anyway. It was fun! Basically the same as the other x-fit classes I've been to, but this gym had it's own designated space for crossfit (the "box") and much more gear. I enjoyed it :) Can't start paying for another gym membership though, but I've been invited to come and train with them every once in a while anyway if I want to :)

rörelse - movement

Publicerad 2014-09-23 10:08:51 i Wellness and health, Workout,

att röra på sig och äta nyttigt generellt har blivit en naturlig del av mitt liv. äntligen måste jag tillägga. det var länge länge som det inte var så, och inte förrän jag var 22 tog jag tag i hälsan och förändrade mitt liv. sedan dess har det gått upp och ner, men jag har i alla fall hållt en häslosam vikt och tänket kring vad som bör åka ner i kroppen mer ofta än inte har funnits kvar. sedan 2012 har dock hälsan varit i fokus och jag skulle inte för mitt liv vilja lägga av med träningen. kanske ändra upplägg, kanske ändra spår, ändra fokus, men inte lägga av. jag mår för bra av att röra på mig för att vilja sluta.
veckans träningsplan är som följer:
måndag: vila
tisdag: crossfit
onsdag: lågpulsträning, typ lätt löpning
torsdag: yoga
fredag: crossfit
lördag: hugga träd i mammas trädgård (om vädret tillåter)
söndag: vila/långpromenad
jag vill få in rörelse varje dag. utav träningspassen i en vecka är det endast 2 pass som är riktigt "hårda" och intensiva och det är crossfitpassen. lågpulsträning och flexibilitet är också viktigt för hälsan och en frisk och glad kropp. trädhuggning blir en bonus, hehe. annars blir det något lågpulspass där istället.
to exercise and move hasn't always been a natural part of my life, but when i was 22 i decided to make a change, and i haven't regretted it one single time, ever. nowadays i don't think i'd be very happy if i went without exercise for a longer period of time. even if it is just getting out on the bike, or going for a walk. being completely sedentary makes me crawl up the walls. i don't ever want to stop moving..
the weekly plan goes as follows:
monday: rest
tuesday: crossfit
wednesday: aerob training, for example light running for a longer period of time.
thursday: yoga
friday: crossfit
saturday: wood chopping (if the weather allows)
sunday: powerwalk/rest
2 superintense workouts and the rest with focus on aerob, low impact, fleixibility. to keep my body strong, happy and healthy.

fuel your body with vibrant foods

Publicerad 2014-09-09 17:44:00 i Inspiration, Living life, Wellness and health,

fuel food happiness pleasure. eat eat eat. find your balance, choose wholesome food, as unrefined as possible. cook it gently and enjoy the foods that you eat. don't eat something you don't like because "well, it's healthy" but choose instead the healthy options that you DO like :) have fun with your food!

fit for life

Publicerad 2014-09-04 14:42:56 i Living life, Workout,

i know it's a trend but i can understand why. i can see why so many fall in love with this sort of exercise. a high intensive work out that leaves you sweaty and out of breath but is always variable and never leaves you bored of your workouts.
crossfit is a form of training that had been developed mostly from weightlifting and gymnastics. it is meant to be an overall form of training, making you strong and fit for everyday life. it focuses both on strentgh, agility and cardio - perhaps not enough on endurance and flexibility. but those two are easy to add in to your routine with some yoga/stretching and long distance cardio sessions like running, swimming, cycling or rowing at a steady pace.
my back has suffered recently from unnkown reasons. throughout spring i trained crossfit twice a week and something else a third time almost every week. i felt strong and could feel how much better my body got at handling different situations. but i also got stiffer. my spine felt stiff and i didnt feel flexible at all. in june i really hurt my lower back one day when i was training with mum. just a simple kettlebell swing and "pang!" i couldn't move. went to the chiropractor who said my spine was completely locked. she adjusted my lower back, between my shoulders and also my neck. i suddenly felt as if i was walking on clouds.
im not sure why i have all of a sudden gotten these problems, but i have a slight suspicions it has to do with my training. i love weightlifting and it make me feel confident and empowered, but i need to make sure i warm up properly, and also do alot of stretching it appeares.
Im still struggling with my lower back, my muscles there tend to tense up and cramp and it is very uncomfortable. so at the moment i have to put the heavy weights aside and train my form more than anything. i want to be fit for life. not crumbling to pieces.
today i plan to do this workout:
warm-up run 1,5 km at 9 km/hour
set timer to 14 mins and do
1200 meter run afap
and then for the remaining time 40 double unders (skipping) and 10 push-ups
after this i will do every minute on the minute for 10 minutes:
3 squat cleans (with no weights on bar)
and the finish with core to stabilise and strentghen back and stomach:
30 sec plank on each side and middle x 4

A quick workout to do at home

Publicerad 2014-07-15 15:05:52 i Workout,

I didn't have time for the gym this morning so I decided to do two quick circuit workouts that really left me sweaty and worked my whole body.
I started by doing a warm up consisting of airsquats at different tempos for about 3 minutes.
Then I set my timer for 10 minutes and did as many reps as possible of:
10 push-ups
15 airsquats
20 ab exercises (sit-ups, crunches, mountainclimbers, I varied)
After that I set my timer for 8 minutes and did as many reps as possible of:
5 burpess
10 lunges
15 back raises
21 minutes in total and a complete full body workout.


Publicerad 2014-06-12 15:47:37 i Living life,

Only 1 week until our wedding and it really bothers me now that I'm worried I'll be uncomfortable in my dress. It is really tight, and I have gained like 1-2 kilos since I first bought it. It wont be too small, but it will be uncomfrtable. I cannot exercise at the moment cause I was stupid enough to hurt my back at the gym last Saturday. I feel like shit with my body right now. I have been in a good position when it come to food and exercising since last summer, but now I just feel like I want to lose.
I feel like I need to lose 2 kilos for the dress to be comfortable, and I really want to exercise because it makes me happy, but I can hardly bend forward today and it is so frustrating. 
Why why why did I have to go and injure myself NOW?

The time will pass anyway

Publicerad 2014-05-08 10:03:52 i Inspiration, Living life,

I really like this quote by Earl Nightingale. It is very true. Whatever your dream is, the only thing that matters in order to accomplish something is how you decide to spend your time. Time will pass anyway. Where do you want to be in a month? A year? 5 years? How will you get there?
I think I might print this out and put it in my office. Maybe it can help motivate a couple of students that struggle to find the will to do school work...

my first 5 km race

Publicerad 2014-05-07 14:30:27 i Living life, Workout,

I ran 5 kms in 30:28 minutes! My best time ever. I haven't been very consistent with my running, or my training lately at all and it pleases me that I managed to break my own record (I think the best I've done for 5 km before has been around 33-34 minutes). I think my focus on high intensive strength training has helped me develop both muscle strength and cardio, so even though my running has been set aside, I could perform quite well.
It does, however, inspire me to be able to run even faster. Can I do it in less than 30 minutes? Can I do it in less than 25? Can I run 10 kms? I've never ran farther than 6 kms before. There are so many challenges to be taken on, and I want to achieve them, I want to improve and I want to move forward.
At the start of 2014 I made a goals list and it is a good list. But I wish to change the "no results" bit into, not so much results, but rather things I want to be able to do - to train for.
I want to be able to...
- do 1 pull-up without any resistance bands.
- to hold an armstand for more than 30 seconds.
- to run 5 kms in less than 30 minutes.
- to balance my body in different poses.
- to run 10 kms.

You can't live a positive life with a negative mind

Publicerad 2014-04-30 15:51:34 i Inspiration, Living life, Mind and body, Mindfullness,

What do you have a body for, if not to embrace life? Keep moving, keep your body strong, keep your body well nourished with healthy foods. Enjoy the outdoors, enjoy cooking food from scratch and eat it together with loved ones. Enjoy growing plants, enjoy being creative, enjoy trying new things. There is no limit. Just because you can't do something now, it doesn't mean you won't be able to do it tomorrow.
Life is beautiful, take up as much space as you want, stay active, don't let anything hold you back from doing the things you want! Life is too short and too precious to be held back. Keep you eyes in the goal/target and stay focused. You can do it.
Savour the moment. Feel the warm sun on your face or the cold rain down your cheeks. Smell the newly cut grass, the seaweed, the trees. Smell the apple pie, the bonfire, the cool air. Smell the coffee, the freshly baked cinnamon rolls,  the christmas tree. Smell the earth warming up after winter, the first blossom and the first BBQs. Listen to the sounds around oyu. What can you hear?
Feel you body, feel the warmth, feel your heatbeat. It is beating for you. Think of your feet, how they can walk anywhere, take you places. Think of how the grass feels under you bare feet, how the sand feels between your toes. Think of your legs, your calf muscles, knees and thighs. Think of how they help you jump, run, swim, walk. Think of the touch of a loving hand on the inside of your thigh. How it tickles, how it smooches. It is soft and accepting. Your legs are beautiful.
Think of your stomach, how it is working for you every day, digesting your food and converting it to energy of life. How it is keeping your intestines in place. How your stomach helps you to sit up, lie down, laugh hard and deep and being able to bend your body. Think of your arms and hands. How they help you carry things, pick flowers, draw, write, cook, sew, take photos, build, repair, create, caress, hold...Think of you body, how it keeps you alive, how it loves you.
Think of how it feels to be embraced by someone you love. Feel their arms around you, keeping you safe, just as you keep them safe. You wouldn't want them to be harmed and they don't want you to be harmed. They love you, every inch of you. Every self-doubt, every thought of self-hate is harmful and destructive to your happiness. Your mind is your most powerful tool. How you feel and think begins in your mind. Make peace with yourself and focus on what makes you feel good. What you think you become.

Menu plan week 18 (28th-2nd)

Publicerad 2014-04-28 16:31:22 i Inspiration, Living life,

Monday: B:Porridge with banana, berries and peanut butter. S: ½ avocado and 1 pear. L: Minced meat, black beans and turnip "stir-fry" with broccoli. S: 1 orange. D: Baconwrapped chicken with sauteed courgette, carrot and sundried tomatoes. Bonus: Ice-cream "yay"
Tuesday: B: Sweet scrambled eggs with berries. S: ½ avocado and 1 fruit. L: Chicken and sauteed veggies. S: Seed cracker with ham. D: Oven baked cod with cauliflower mash, asparagus and hollandaise.
Wednesday: B: Eggs on seed crackers and a smoothie. S: Home made "protein" bar. L: Cod from night before. S: Fruit. D: Chickpea curry with low-carb wraps.
Thursday: B: Overnight oats with berries and peanut butter. S: 1 egg + fruit. L: Cichpea curry from night before. S: Home made "protein" bar. D: Rice noodles with pork and veggies.
Friday: B: Scrambled eggs with smoothie. S: Home made bar. L: Noodles from night before. S: Fruit. D: Halloumi salad.

eat sleep train repeat

Publicerad 2014-04-19 09:35:38 i Workout,

Yesterday's workout was my first "home-made" crossfit workout. 
I started by warming up on the treadmill for 10 minutes. Did some movement warm-up and then got going with my "stations". The first is a "half Cindy". Amrap means "as many reps/rounds as possible" - so I basically did 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups and 15 airsquats continuosly for 10 minutes (a whole Cindy is 20 minutes). Managed 5 ½ rounds. Last time I did a full Cindy I managed 11½ I guess there is no major improvement in speed. However, I can now do push-ups and pull-ups much better, so that is good!
The gym was really full yesterday, so all the weightlifting stations were full when I had finished my half Cindy, so I did the third "station" here. 3 minutes of doing 15 lunges and 15 sit-ups continuosly, rest 1½ minutes and 3 min work etc (3 times). Ouch my tummy! Not ideal, since I don't want my core to be tired for the weight lifting. 
Third station, weights. I actually increased number of reps here, because I am still a little scared of putting too much weight on and hurting myself. So:
Squats: 5 reps with 35 kgs
5 reps with 40 kgs
8 reps with 40 kgs
Overhead press: 
3 reps 15 kgs
3 reps with 20 kgs
1 rep with 24 kgs (then failed second rep, so took off 4 kgs)
3 reps with 20 kgs
Deadlift: 5 reps with 35 kgs
3 reps with 45 kgs
5 reps 45 kgs

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